Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Quality Ansurance

dah pda tau blum apa tuch QA : nich... gw kasih literatur nya (studi kasus PT. Petrosea Indonesia)..... sdikit ulasan apa itu QA :

Tahun ini Petrosea baru saja menyelesaikan audit sertifikasi ISO
9001:2000 tiga tahunan yang kedua. Badan Sertifikasi resmi yaitu
SGS telah menyelesaikan 6 kali kunjungan audit dengan
menghabiskan 19 hari orang kerja ke berbagai lokasi proyek di
daerah maupun kantor pusat di Jakarta dengan tidak satupun
permintaan tindakan perbaikan dimunculkan.
Health, Safety and Environment
Safety statistics continue to improve with a Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate of 0.2 (Australian Standard), compared with 0.4
in the previous year. A new measure, the Positive Operational
Safety Target (POST), was introduced for the first time. This initiative
tracks proactive safety events, such as meetings, toolbox talks,
job safety analyses and hazard observation reports. Each activity
is scored and the overall tally is measured on a monthly basis with
the goal of encouraging an active safety culture.
Safety highlights include :
· A four star NOSA rating to Petrosea's Timika Highland
Operations following an independent NOSA audit by
PT Freeport.
· A prestigious national "LTI Free Award" to operations at
Balikpapan and Tanjung Batu after more than four million
manhours without lost time injury. The award was presented
by Indonesian Vice President Yusuf Kalla after a rigorous
assessment by the Department of Manpower.
· Three million manhours lost time injury free at Kaltim Prima
Coal's Sangatta operations.
· More than 2.9 million manhours lost time injury free at
PT Gunungbayan Pratamacoal.
· Completion of three oil and gas projects without any lost time
injury. This included almost 1,300,000 manhours on BP West
Java's APN-MM Offshore Field, nearly 100,000 manhours on
the Muara Karang pipeline remediation project and 250,000
manhours without injury on the ConocoPhillips Kerisi Field
Quality Assurance
Petrosea successfully completed its second triennial certification
audit to ISO 9001:2000 this year. This followed six visits from
certification body SGS, with no corrective actions being raised
after 19 mandays of auditing at various project sites and the
Jakarta head office.
Periode ini menjadi tahun yang amat menantang bagi tim
pengendalian mutu dengan adanya empat buah kontrak besar di
bidang minyak dan gas dalam waktu yang bersamaan yaitu
diantaranya penyelesaian proyek Pengembangan Lapangan APN
MM dan Pekerjaan Perbaikan Pipa Alir Muara Karang, keduanya
untuk BP West Java, Pengembangan Lapangan Kerisi untuk
ConocoPhillips dan proyek Bull Head di Lapangan West Seno
untuk Unocal.
Keempat proyek tersebut telah berhasil diselesaikan dan diserahkan
kepada pelanggan dengan memuaskan, berkat kinerja para personil
Petrosea yang penuh dedikasi dan berpengalaman. Audit pihak
luar yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan utama yaitu ConocoPhillips
tahun ini membuktikan pernyataan tersebut dengan hasil yang
sangat memuaskan terhadap Jaminan Mutu dan Sistem Manajemen
Proyek yang diberlakukan oleh Petrosea.
Hubungan Masyarakat
Petrosea merupakan pendukung
kuat bagi masyarakat regional dan
menyediakan peluang kerja jangka
pendek dan jangka panjang bagi
pekerja-pekerja lokal.
Melalui program-program
kepelatihan ketrampilannya yang
ekstensif, Perusahaan menawarkan
kesempatan bekerja untuk
membantu para tenaga kerja
mengembangkan kemampuan mereka. Program-program ini
dilaksanakan di lokasi-lokasi seperti Jakarta, Tanjung Batu, Muara
Pahu dan lain-lain. Peserta yang mengikutinya berjumlah 2 dari
Jakarta, 3 dari Tanjung Batu, 2 dari Muara Pahu (GBP), 7 dari Loa
Buah (BBE) dan 15 dari Sangatta.
Aktifitas hubungan masyarakat yang lainnya termasuk sumbangan
ternak Qurban kepada berbagai kelompok dan yayasan dalam
rangka perayaan Idhul Adha. Perusahaan juga mendukung berbagai
kegiatan organisasi kemasyarakatan lainnya, sebagai sponsor dan
donatur. Petrosea Balikpapan mensponsori kegiatan Jalan Sehat
untuk masyarakat Balikpapan dan memberikan sumbangan kepada
masyarakat Kampung Baru yang rumahnya terkena bencana
The period has been a challenging one for Petrosea's quality
control team with four substantial oil and gas contracts proceeding
in parallel, including BP West Java's APN-MM Development and
Muara Karang Remediation Works, ConocoPhillips Kerisi Field
Development and Unocal's West Seno Bull Head.
Those projects were successfully managed and delivered to the
client's satisfaction by Petrosea's dedicated and experienced
personnel. External audits performed by prominent client
ConocoPhilips offered an outstanding endorsement of Petrosea's
quality assurance and project management systems.
Community Relations
Petrosea is a staunch supporter of regional communities and
provides short and long-term project employment for local workers.
Through its extensive vocational training schemes, the Company
offers work experience to help job seekers in regional areas to
develop vital skills. These programs are conducted at locations
such as Jakarta head office, Tanjung Batu, Muara Pahu, etc. There
were 2 participants from Jakarta, 3 from Tanjung Batu, 2 from
Muara Pahu (GBP), 7 from Loa Buah (BBE) and 15 from Sangatta.
Other community relations activities included cattle donations to
charities and cultural foundations during the annual Idul Adha
celebrations. In addition, Petrosea supports a wide range of
organisations through sponsorship and donations. Petrosea
Balikpapan sponsor a Health Walk for Balikpapan people and give
donation to the villagers of Kampung Baru whose houses were
on fire.
Pekerja & Masyarakat

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